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Rescue Your 401K

Learn how to access your retirement funds without paying taxes or penalties!

Control your investments the way you want to!

Pamela Donison – Attorney

   I look at life’s twists and turns and wonder: how can I make it better, simpler,
less painful, more transformative, and less expensive for everyone? We speak
with you about important issues, help you plan for your very best outcomes, and
guide you in creating the legacy you intend for your family.


Clients can schedule a phone or Zoom meeting with me at:

Charles Scott – Investment Advisor

 Pelleton Capital Management is a boutique investment and wealth
management firm serving individuals and families who value the
relationship with their trusted advisor. 

Shauna A. Wekherlien, CPA, MTax, CTC, CTP, CTS Tax Goddess

Tax preparers’ help you record your financial past. 

As Certified Tax Strategists, we help you change your financial future.

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